World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium The World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium (WINHEC) was established in August 2002 at the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE) in Alberta, Canada. WINHEC’s aim is to bring professionals together to achieve common goals through higher education. Members come from many different countries and a variety of diverse areas such as university departments, research organizations and government agencies. |
WINHEC AGM 2025Each year WINHEC brings together their members in different countries to celebrate the uniqueness of being Indigenous, nurturing relationships and furthering the purpose of WINHECThe 2025 Annual General Meeting will be hosted at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa - Māngere Campus, Auckland, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Read more > |
WINHEC Newsletter 2023Greetings to our wonderful WINHEC family. Ya’ateeh, Tabe Imumi, Aloha, Tansi, Aniin, Kia Ora, Boozhoo, Burris, Burris, Etlante, Hau Mikoda. |
WINHEC Circle of HonoursThe WINHEC Executive Co-Chairs are pleased to announce the ‘CALL for WINHEC Circle of Honours’ that advances WINHEC’s Mission and Goals, to:
Learn more > HONORARY DOCTORATESIn the spirit of Hope and a Vision for a Better Future to come, the WINU Executive Committee, in conjunction with the WINHEC Executive Co-Chairs, invite nominations for the WINU Honorary Doctorates. And in furtherance of the principles and intent of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the WINU Executive Committee call upon WINU and WINHEC Member Countries and their Indigenous education support networks to nominate eligible individuals for the WINU Honorary Doctorates that are described here. This also includes the awarding of Posthumous Honorary Doctorates for outstanding and significant achievements to individuals who have worked tirelessly and contributed significantly to Indigenous Rights and Indigenous knowledges in any of the WINHEC member countries or other Indigenous nations. |
WINU AnnouncementCALLING FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTFive (5) Vacant Executive Positions |
Position paper to
The Drum Beats